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How to choose a time tracking tool for your team (+free scorecard Excel template)

Evaluating and comparing timesheet programs can be a tedious process. You may lack a clear set of questions and goals for your business. Or perhaps you’re having a hard time assessing different features and their importance. That’s why we’ve created this brief guide to help organize your thoughts and identify priorities as you test out […]

5 challenges of mobile workforce management that companies will face in 2019: We asked the experts

The rise of the concept Mobile Workforce is a tremendous example of how technology is transforming our personal and professional lives. As our society continues to adopt new technologies such as smartphones and enterprise mobility tools, more companies are allowing employees to become mobile. According to the recent Strategy Analytics‘ Global Mobile Workforce Forecast, the […]

Building a PWA for Android and iOS: Tutorial and live example ?

Mobile web apps (known as Progressive Web Apps or PWA) can be a cheaper and totally viable replacement to native apps in many domains. As it’s been proved elsewhere, native apps require a costly launch and maintenance cycle. Google is betting strong on PWAs by implementing Service Workers and although iOS is not reacting that […]