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Excel formulas not working: 5 critical examples of checking & fixing workbooks

When it comes to working with data in Microsoft Excel, especially if it wasn’t your data to begin with, things can get tricky quickly. Between Excel formulas not working, human error, and simply trying to understand someone else’s thought process, there are a lot of ways checking and fixing an Excel workbook can go wrong. […]

How to build a successful and measurable remote work strategy

Whether you’ve been managing a remote team for years or are newly embracing a remote-work model, knowing how to build a successful and measurable remote work strategy is key. In this article, we’ll be diving into practical tips for managers to help them navigate managing remote team members while ensuring they’ve got a successful remote […]

Two methods to rapidly document your processes and survive as a remote business

This is the second part of a two-part series on process documentation with Vinay Patankar, CEO of Process Street. In case you’re just tuning in, we recommend you read part one Why Documenting Your Processes is Key to Surviving as  Remote Business first. Now that you’ve learned the ins and outs of why process documentation […]

Manage remote employees webinar

Managing a remote team comes with its own unique set of challenges. That’s exactly why we hosted this webinar on how to make remote work part of your team’s DNA, hosted by Laurel Farrer and featuring some of today’s top remote work experts. Watch the recording here, or keep reading to learn more. How to […]

El teletrabajo en España: legislación, polémica y perspectivas futuras

¿Sabes cuáles son los aspectos y efectos más importantes del Real Decreto-Ley 28/2020 del 22 de septiembre con respecto al teletrabajo en España? En este artículo queremos abordar este tema valiéndonos del aporte de dos expertos en la materia: Raúl Luis García González, socio director del área de Derecho Laboral de Ernst & Young España […]

Why documenting your processes is key to surviving as remote business

You might think that process documentation—internally used, detailed descriptions with exact steps of how things are done—are complicated, time consuming, and unnecessary. You have far more important things to worry about when running a remote business, after all. Well, what if I told you that companies lose up to 30% in revenue every year due […]