Carlos Quintana

Writer specialized in finance, tech and SaaS. Apart from writing, he loves football and cultural walks around Rome.

Trabajo en remoto: marco legal, retos y perspectivas globales

La situación de pandemia dejó al descubierto un importante contraste entre los beneficios que ofrece el trabajo en remoto y la carencia de un marco legal sólido que regule y ampare los derechos de aquellas personas que han optado (voluntaria o involuntariamente) por dicha modalidad de trabajo. Este es, precisamente, uno de los grandes retos […]

How to build a successful and measurable remote work strategy

Whether you’ve been managing a remote team for years or are newly embracing a remote-work model, knowing how to build a successful and measurable remote work strategy is key. In this article, we’ll be diving into practical tips for managers to help them navigate managing remote team members while ensuring they’ve got a successful remote […]

El teletrabajo en España: legislación, polémica y perspectivas futuras

¿Sabes cuáles son los aspectos y efectos más importantes del Real Decreto-Ley 28/2020 del 22 de septiembre con respecto al teletrabajo en España? En este artículo queremos abordar este tema valiéndonos del aporte de dos expertos en la materia: Raúl Luis García González, socio director del área de Derecho Laboral de Ernst & Young España […]

The top 5 challenges of managing a remote team successfully

We live in times where, often, remote work is no longer an optional arrangement. Today, the question is not so much if but how to build a remote work strategy. However, the road that leads to a healthy remote work strategy can be bumpy if you’re not aware of the obstacles along the way. From […]

Coronavirus and the future of the workplace: 8 trends to watch

Uncertainty is one of the defining traits of the current coronavirus crisis. We still don’t know how this virus works, and our assessment of the future changes by the day. Despite this, one idea is gaining broad consensus: our lives will probably change forever and, thus, so will the way we work. When it comes […]

The boom of remote working: A review of the trends and legal issues for companies

In the last decade, remote working has been on the rise. Whether partially or on a full-time basis, the number of contractors and employees working from home or elsewhere has exploded. Such a trend has been further accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic, as many full-time employees who previously worked in an office have now been […]