Carlos Quintana

Writer specialized in finance, tech and SaaS. Apart from writing, he loves football and cultural walks around Rome.

What does absenteeism cost a company? Well…and presenteeism?

The large scale costs of absenteeism and presenteeism Measuring the costs of absenteeism and presenteeism is a challenging task. In fact, there’s no magic formula to do so. As far as absenteeism goes, many people have tried to simplify the process by adding together the wages and administrative expenses associated with the behavior. Along those […]

Employee monitoring: How to avoid the most common pitfalls [and the alternative]

Discover the Hidden Traps of Employee Monitoring and Master the Art of Balancing Trust and Productivity. Learn how to avoid the common pitfalls of employee monitoring while understanding the crucial distinction between employee monitoring and time tracking. Uncover practical strategies to foster a culture of transparency, engagement, and respect in the workplace, ensuring harmony between employer objectives and employee privacy. Empower your organization with effective monitoring practices that boost productivity without sacrificing trust or morale. Dive into our comprehensive guide now.

Is your company doing this to manage human capital risks?

“Almost everything that can go wrong in a business has a human capital component.” David Creelman (CEO of Creelman Research). While most companies might agree, very few are prepared to manage human capital risks. Is yours one of them? Regardless of how automated or technology-focused the current workplace is, the most valuable asset for any […]

How to promote workplace ethics in your business

Concerned about workplace ethics? You should be. As it turns out, simply hiring good people and hoping they’ll make the right decisions isn’t enough. And while making a good hire is a step in the right direction, it’s just the beginning of your journey to leading an ethical company. If you actually want to encourage […]

Une revue complète sur l’informatique décisionnelle: exemples, outils, tout ce que vous devez savoir

Trois choses ont fait de l’informatique décisionnelle (Business Intelligence ou encore BI en anglais) l’un des sujets les plus populaires du moment : des données, des données, et encore des données ! Il n’y a pas si longtemps, les décisions les plus importantes d’une entreprise étaient définies par l’expérience et l’intuition. Aujourd’hui, cependant, une gestion […]

7 top technology trends for CFOs that will shape the future: from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to strategic partnerships [Experts weigh in]

In the last years, we have seen a new range of technology trends for CFOs and financial management. There has been so much discussion about cloud technology, artificial intelligence and the changing role of the CFO. There is little doubt that these topics will remain crucial in the financial world. However, the experts who contributed […]