Carlos Quintana

Writer specialized in finance, tech and SaaS. Apart from writing, he loves football and cultural walks around Rome.

Why democratic leadership is the best style to boost productivity

Published: 2022/2/9 | Carlos Quintana

What does good leadership mean in the era of hybrid and remote work? What kind of leadership style is best ...

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How to calculate employee absence rate and why you should do it

Published: 2021/10/27 | Carlos Quintana

Absence days in the workplace are prevalent regardless of schedule, sector, or level. It’s just another moving piece of HR ...

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Is a great place to work compatible with remote work?

Published: 2021/10/5 | Carlos Quintana

We are entering a new era where remote and hybrid-based models will likely prevail across the corporate world. Because of ...

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Comment élaborer une stratégie réussie et mesurable dans une entreprise 100 % télétravail ?

Published: 2021/9/29 | Carlos Quintana

Que vous gériez une équipe à distance depuis des années ou que la COVID-19 vous ait obligé à adopter rapidement ...

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El riesgo de las plantillas excel para el control horario: una ruleta rusa para la empresa y el trabajador

Published: 2021/5/25 | Carlos Quintana

Las multas que se han registrado desde que entrara en vigor el control horario obligatorio en España han dejado en ...

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Trabajo en remoto: marco legal, retos y perspectivas globales

Published: 2021/5/13 | Carlos Quintana

La situación de pandemia dejó al descubierto un importante contraste entre los beneficios que ofrece el trabajo en remoto y ...

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