Helen Poliquin

Managing Inbound and Customer Success at Beebole. Connecting with teams and managers worldwide, identifying their obstacles, and communicating the creative solutions that Beebole can offer. Working remote from the Canary Islands.

Google spreadsheet timesheet: An add-on to create incredible employee time reports

Our Google spreadsheet timesheet add-on is perfect if you want to create more powerful employee time reports. Why? Real time business intelligence is fundamental for any organization, whether monitoring its financial status or employee productivity. Frequent, reliable reports offer short-term insights that can lead to long-term savings and growth. To help with this, Google Sheets […]

Timesheet integration with Xero and Office 365: A case study by Taptu

Embracing the API economy Ah, the joys of cloud computing! No hardware, less waste, reduced costs, remote access, automatic updates, and the list goes on. But the growing selection of solutions might have you feeling like you can have too much of a good thing. Today, small and medium businesses are juggling an average of 14.3 […]

When it comes to timesheets for contractors and consultants: A customer case

Independent contractors (freelancers, the self employed, the gig economy, or however you refer to it) are expected to make up half of the American workforce within the decade. Growth is driven by employers looking for specialized workers on demand, and workers themselves who are willingly making the switch. Both parties must adapt to the change. […]

What are the US employee monitoring laws? The 101 FAQ [Up to date]

Is employee monitoring legal? Broadly, in the US, employee monitoring is legal and mostly unregulated. As an employer-provided computer system is property of the employer, they may listen to, watch, and read employees’ workplace communication and, in some cases, personal messages. What’s more, an employer’s stated policy on workplace monitoring might not be legally binding. […]

Aligning yourself with a successful boss could help guarantee your own success

Who is John Burke? Where: CleanChoice Energy was founded as Ethical Electric in 2011 by Tom Matzzie, after discovering the complexities of buying and installing solar panels for his own home. In 2014 it became CleanChoice Energy, to reflect the company’s expanding offerings. CleanChoice allows customers to purchase electricity from green energy sources, without physically changing […]

The CFO Journal with Alex Sotelo of Open Education: “Loyalty, trust and laughter”

Who is Alex Sotelo? Where: Open Education has its roots in Venezuela, where in 2002 CEO Andrés Moreno founded Optimal English. His goal was to provide English classes taught by native speakers to Latin American executives. Optimal English became Open English in 2008, with a shift to virtual classes available 24/7. 10 years later, Open […]