Articles tagged as: "remote working"

Is a great place to work compatible with remote work?

We are entering a new era where remote and hybrid-based models will likely prevail across the corporate world. Because of this, remote work options will surely increase and even become dominant for many companies. But can a remote or hybrid company still be a great place to work? Can you keep your remote employees engaged, […]

Comment élaborer une stratégie réussie et mesurable dans une entreprise 100 % télétravail ?

Que vous gériez une équipe à distance depuis des années ou que la COVID-19 vous ait obligé à adopter rapidement un modèle de télétravail, il est essentiel de savoir comment élaborer une stratégie de télétravail efficace et mesurable. Dans cet article, nous offrons des conseils pratiques aux managers pour les aider à gérer les membres […]

Trabajo en remoto: marco legal, retos y perspectivas globales

La situación de pandemia dejó al descubierto un importante contraste entre los beneficios que ofrece el trabajo en remoto y la carencia de un marco legal sólido que regule y ampare los derechos de aquellas personas que han optado (voluntaria o involuntariamente) por dicha modalidad de trabajo. Este es, precisamente, uno de los grandes retos […]

Remote work in the eyes of an ‘evil’ human resources expert

When it comes to Human Resources demystification, no one does it quite like Suzanne Lucas aka the Evil HR Lady. Following our webinar on How to Make Remote Work Part of Your Team’s DNA, the HR expert, truth-teller and TEDx Talk speaker dives into her personal experience with remote work providing additional insights to the […]

How to build a successful and measurable remote work strategy

Whether you’ve been managing a remote team for years or are newly embracing a remote-work model, knowing how to build a successful and measurable remote work strategy is key. In this article, we’ll be diving into practical tips for managers to help them navigate managing remote team members while ensuring they’ve got a successful remote […]