Articles tagged as: "Excel"

Project cost management: Adjustable forecasting and the Excel OFFSET function

Today we’re talking project cost management with adjustable forecasting and the Excel OFFSET function. Follow along below, or watch the tutorial on YouTube by clicking here. The first time you heard about a forecast, it probably had nothing to do with project cost management. The team of weather experts behind that forecast used a range […]

How to calculate project profitability using time tracking data: Everything you need to know [Excel tutorial]

If you bill clients based on the time you spend, here’s a pop quiz: which projects make the most money? Or even more importantly: which projects aren’t profitable? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, it’s time to start thinking about project profitability, a measurement of revenue billed versus time and cost expended. […]

How to install & use the Beebole add-in for Excel: Power up your spreadsheets with time tracking data

The Beebole Microsoft Excel add-in has arrived! With this new tool, you can connect spreadsheets directly to your Beebole account. That makes it easier than ever to analyze and work with your time tracking data. Let’s learn how to set up the Beebole add-In in this tutorial, as well as how to use it. At […]

Mastering budget vs. actuals analysis: Excel Power Query tutorial + FREE template

In this tutorial, learn how to create a budget vs. actuals report in Excel using Power Query. Gain insights and track financial performance effortlessly. As a financial controller, accountant, or CFO, you’re likely familiar with the concept of budget vs. actuals. You know that reporting budget vs. actuals can be both cumbersome and time-consuming, given […]

El riesgo de las plantillas excel para el control horario: una ruleta rusa para la empresa y el trabajador

Las multas que se han registrado desde que entrara en vigor el control horario obligatorio en España han dejado en evidencia las fisuras que el papel y las plantillas Excel presentan cuando se trata de cumplir con el registro de jornada obligatorio.  Y es que fueron pocas las pymes españolas que cambiaron la manera de […]