Kenneth Fick

Kenneth Fick is a seasoned finance leader with more than 20 years of experience in helping companies by leading their financial planning, forecasting, and analysis. He specializes in budget/forecasting, FP&A/CFO solutions, risk analysis & financial modeling, business process optimization, and more much. You can find more of his work and finance thought leadership published in publications like Argyle Group, CFO Dive, CFOUniversity and

The art and science of financial forecast reliability: How to get it right

Published: 2023/7/5 | Kenneth Fick

Financial forecasting is the process of making estimates about the future performance of a business or organization. These estimates are ...

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The top KPIs for service-based businesses: The metrics you should be monitoring

Published: 2022/9/19 | Kenneth Fick

A business’ greatest assets walk out the door every evening (or log off their computers in a remote-forward world). At ...

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